52-Week Learning Marathon. Week-2: AWS EC2, Storage Services, and ELB


A look at cloud computing and AWS

Hey guys, this is week 2 of the 52-week programming marathon.

This week I learned how to work with AWS EC2 Instance, Storage Services with some Hands-on practices, and AWS ELB (halfway done).

I learned that there are many options for almost any services you needed in AWS. And I got that feeling after going through just several services that they offer.

Today’s learning source is from Stepen Merak videos on Udemy. The link is down bellow


AWS AMI Marketplace
Personal Notes on EBS
Load Balancer Dashboard
Personal Notes on ELB



Ryan Charles Wijaya
Ryan Charles Wijaya

Written by Ryan Charles Wijaya

I'm a student, a son, a web developer, will be a writer, graphic designer. Someone with passion with technology, personal development, and financial freedom

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